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Over the past 25 years, Mongolia has become a stable democracy, tripling its gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, increasing school enrollments, and achieving dramatic declines in maternal and child mortality. Mongolia’s vast agricultural and mineral resources and increasingly educated population of over 3 million citizens facilitate continued long-term development.

Safer Schools Rapid Diagnostics in Mongolia

  • Country name

  • Project Dates

  • Status

  • Funding source


Type of Engagement
Committed Amount
Government Counterpart


Safer Schools Rapid Diagnostics in Mongolia involved conducting a critical hazard risk assessment focused on earthquake, landslide and avalanche, and flooding risks in Ulaanbataar, Mongolia. Such an assessment was essential in the face of demographic change—for instance, rapid and uncontrolled urbanization in Ulaanbataar City that approximately doubled the population, to 1.3 million, in the past 10 years.